
911 테러당시 flight 93편에서 녹음된 내용

_Mk 2006. 4. 14. 12:36
아스피린님 블로그 구경갔다가
지난 2001년 9월11일 테러 당시 flight 93편의 녹음 자료 스크립트를 cnn.com에서 받아왔습니다.
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똑같다고 생각됩니다.

다음은 cnn.com 원문입니다.


Flight 93 Transcript

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 Posted: 2200 GMT (0600 HKT)

The final minutes of audio from the cockpit voice recorder of Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001, was played for a jury by federal prosecutors seeking the execution of Zacarias Moussaoui.

09:31:57-09:33:53 -- "We have a bomb on board."

09:34:00-09:35:15 -- "Please, please, don't hurt me."

09:35:17-09:39:47 -- "I don't want to die."

09:39:52-09:48:38 -- "Bring the pilot back."

09:49:37-09:58:52 -- "A fight?"

09:58:55-09:59:58 -- "They want to get in there."

10:00:06-10:01:16 -- "Cut off the oxygen."

10:01:18-10:03:03 -- "Pull it down."

10:03:04-10:03:09 -- "Allah is the Greatest."

관련 국내 기사 : http://news.naver.com/news/read.php?mode=LSD&office_id=052&article_id=0000114272&section_id=115&menu_id=115